Financie operações de antecipação em nossas plataformas

Types of transcations available for financing

Invoice transactions

Access new companies looking for advance payments and win more transactions by offering competitive rates.

Multi-products Multi-clients
Operações de Notas Fiscais
Baixo custo de capitação

Low fundraising cost

Acess a vast database of suppliers who register and upload documents directly on the plataform, along with a comprehensive dashboard to monitor yout competitiveness.

+100 Institutions finance
companies in our ecosystem

Finance too

Various possibilities for your institution

X-sell potencial sacado e cedente;
Cross-sell potential for buyers and sellers;
Possibilidades de servir clientes internacionais.
Opportunities to serve international clients.

What our financiers
have to say

Monkey is the best platform for supply chain finance in the market. It manages to efficiently unite the three pillars of the business (Buyers, Sellers and Financial Institutions).

We are great partners and intend to maintain this relationship in the long term. You can always count on Banco Crefisa.

- Anderson Gandea Prestes, Crefisa

Featured company among our partners. 

- Bank Safra

Excellent team, excellent service, top-notch professionals, great partners! 

- Cecília Setton, Bank Rendimento

Get in touch
with us